1. State Police Background Check (PA)

This background check is done through the State Police Website.

2. State Child Abuse Check (PA)

This background check is done through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and typically takes a few weeks.

3. Safe Environment Seminar Protecting God's Children (In Classroom)

This is a required class that is taught at different parishes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. This is an in person class. Sign up here.

4. Mandated Reporter Training (Online)

The Mandated Reporter Training is an online class. The login is given after you complete the Safe Environment Seminar (Protecting God's Children)

5. Coaches Orientation (Online)

This is an online class that covers coaching basics. This is a required online class and costs $19.95. You can do your specific sport or General. Your Organization is the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (AOP)

6. PA Residency

FBI Fingerprinting* -  Please read the directions, there are 2 choices!!

PA residents who have been residents for 10 years or MORE will be required to sign the Pennsylvania Residence Disclosure form ONLY and will NOT be required to obtain fingerprinting. Click here to download the Pennsylvania Residence Disclosure Form. 

For Fingerprinting (PA Resident less than 10 consecutive years):
-  Go to https://uenroll.identogo.com/
-  The following service codes are needed to register thru (PDE) Pennsylvania Department of Education:
Employees: 1KG6TR

-  You should then click on Schedule or Manage Appointment and complete the required information.
-  Payment is to be made at the time of the fingerprinting
-  For fingerprint locations please visit the following website:

Questions about getting started? Drop us a line to find out more!